What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is the science of human movement. Kinesiologists at Get Well Physiotherapy apply the latest exercise science to improve the health, performance, and ability of their clients. Our certified kinesiologists utilize exercise prescription to help you explore mobility, strength and resilience in your body. We work with a range of people including athletes, seniors, and people in chronic pain. Kinesiology excels at preventing injury, mitigating health issues and alleviating chronic pain.

Kinesiology might be for you if you are looking to pursue an active lifestyle, recovering from a motor vehicle accident, or are an athlete striving for performance and injury prevention


Kinesiology visualizes muscles as linked to specific organs, and it uses manual muscle testing to evaluate the health of the patient. Whereas conventional medicine uses muscle testing as a means of assessing the structural and functional health of the neuromuscular unit, applied kinesiology makes use of this technique to understand organ-related, nutritional or emotional imbalances in the body.

This testing employs the strength or weakness of a muscle to get information about the organ that it is linked to, and the requirement of the body for a particular nutrient. The muscle testing employed is by holding the muscle in isometric contraction against resistance applied externally, rather than voluntary contraction against an immovable object. This is called Kendall’s technique. Provocative tests are used along with muscle testing.

This form of manual muscle testing thus identifies the problem, whether in the physical (in relation to the nervous, muscular or skeletal system), emotional or biochemical (metabolic) realm, as well as in the mental, non-organic sphere, with disease which is not arising or related to the symptomatic systems. Practitioners of applied kinesiology claim to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health by identifying and treating these problems.



KINESIOLOGY may help the symptoms associated with:

  • Pain (Whether its acute or chronic)
  • Headaches (including tension headaches or migraines)
  • Poor posture
  • Sciatica
  • Joint mobility issues
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis
  • Workplace injuries
  • Sports injuries


Given that it is a form of exercise as well as physical treatment, although not nearly as painful as physiotherapy, some pain can be expected in kinesiology sessions. However, the intensity of the pain is completely subjective to the particular individual and their pain threshold. On average, people do not find kinesiology very painful. 

Frequency of sessions

The simple answer is that it varies between individuals and their initial reason for working with a kinesiologist. We recommend twice a week to start. Creating a foundation of proper movement patterns is very important; our bodies can unconsciously move improperly when injured to compensate for something else

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