How to Speed Up Concussion Recovery

Visual image of young athlete having a medical evaluation of head injury

Are you suffering from a head injury? Concussions can be a very painful and frustrating experience, so it’s important to allow your brain the proper amount of time and rest to fully recover. This can vary depending on the case, taking anywhere from days to months to completely heal. It’s important to consult professionals who are well-versed and qualified to handle such traumatic injuries. Recognized by Complete Concussion Management Inc.™ (CCMI), the team at Get Well Physio Therapy can assist with your concussion treatments and rehabilitation, for optimal recovery.

What is a Concussion?

A concussion is a type of brain injury that is the result of a blow or jolt to the head or body, resulting in the brain hitting the skull. This type of force can be direct or indirect, and the severity ranges case by case. Symptoms of a concussion include but are not limited to:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Headache
  • Sensitivity to light, noise, or movement
  • Sudden mood swings

Concussion Recovery Time

Head injuries such as concussions, don’t always present in visible ways but could have severe levels of damage. Be sure that you have someone with you to track your progress, assist with care, and call for help should your symptoms worsen.

If you have suffered a head injury, you should avoid any type of physical activity for at least 48-72 hours. This means refraining from your normal schedule (work, school, sports, housework) to allow thorough and proper rest.

As your symptoms start to subside, you can slowly return to non-strenuous activities. You should do this in stages to make the process as gradual as possible, and pullback if your symptoms start to worsen at any stage. Only when you can engage in moderate levels of activity with zero symptoms, should you return to your normal schedule.

Throughout your recovery, try to minimize the amount of light and noise you let into your environment. Avoid screens, loud music, and try to rest in dark rooms. While this is tough, it will decrease your recovery time and lessen your symptoms.

Factors That Impact Concussion Recovery

As per most injuries, one of the biggest factors in determining the amount of time for recovery is the severity of the injury. The more severe the damage, the longer it will take for the injury to fully recover.


The best thing you can do to ensure proper recovery is to rest. Especially when it comes to concussions, allotting proper time to rest is essential. Even if you think your concussion is mostly healed, the smallest amount of exertion can interfere with your brains healing if done too soon. If you don’t allow your concussion to fully recover, varying levels of exercise can increase your chances of a repeat injury and prolong healing.

Pre-Existing Conditions:

If you have a history of concussions or pre-existing neurological conditions, you may need to allow more recovery time. Age is also a factor, as adult injuries generally take longer to fully heal. Be patient with yourself and allow as much time as possible to recover from your concussion.


To promote healing in your brain, other areas of your lifestyle can positively impact your concussion recovery time. Eating a full, well-balanced diet promotes healing and can speed up your recovery. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that are rich in proteins, fats, and vitamins. While you don’t want to cut these out completely, you should limit your consumption of dairy products, processed meats, and sugar-dense foods. Instead, focus on including the following foods in your diet to promote brain healing:

  • Dark chocolate has high levels of magnesium and antioxidants.
  • Fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines or flaxseed oil are all rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Dark leafy greens such as kale and spinach have high levels of vitamin B.
  • Berries, specifically blueberries, are rich in antioxidants.
  • Eggs contain choline which is good for mood and memory regulation.
  • Red meat is a great source of zinc.
  • Legumes such as chickpeas and lentils are an alternative source of zinc.

Consult the Experts

If you’ve experienced a head injury or concussion, be sure to consult professional advice to optimize your healing. The practitioners at Get Well Physio Therapy have a thorough understanding and integrative technology tailored to provide consistent, quality care to patients. Get in touch today or book your appointment online to receive comprehensive care from the Get Well team.