June 21, 2023
The date of the move is fast approaching! The first day of operation from the new facility, located at #1-32330 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, will be June 30th, 2023. If you have an appointment on or after this day, please make a note that it will be at the new […]
September 13, 2021
Concussions are a common form of head injury that can have lasting impacts on your physical and mental health. While most concussions heal on their own through adequate amounts of rest and patience, like any muscle, you can work with it to increase strength and optimize the recovery process. At […]
August 15, 2021
If you have experienced an injury, you’re probably well-versed in the pain, time, and patience that comes with the healing process. While injuries vary in severity, they all require a healthy combination of rest and rehabilitation. To regain the strength and mobility you had prior to your injury, the team […]